Today we present the list of 7 world’s most famous chess combinations. You may ask why are these combinations are the most famous? Well, some of these games were played as early as in the 9th century. If we still study them today there is definitely something special about them. Enjoy and don’t forget to comment with your solutions!
Combination #1: Abu Naim
White to move and mate in 3
Combination #2: Abu Naim
White to move and mate in 5
Combination #3: Lucena
White to move and mate in 5
Combination #4: Damiano
White to move and mate in 5
Combination #5: Stamma
White to move and mate in 5
Combination #6: Ponziani
White to move and mate in 7
Combination #7: Lolli
White to move and mate in 7
Please, don't leave this page without sharing your solutions
Solve more tactics:
problem 1. 1.Nh5+ Rxh5 2.Rxg6+ Kxg6 3.Re6#
problem 2. 1.Rh7+ Kg8 2.Nf6+ Kf8 3.e7+ Nxe7 4.Rf7+ Nxf7 5.Ne6#
problem 3. 1.Qe6+ Kh8 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Nh6+ Kh8
4.Qg8+ Rxg8 5.Nf7#
problem 4. 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Rh1+ Kg8 3.Rh8+ Kxg8 4.Qh1+ Kg8 5.Qh7#
problem 5. 1.Qg8+ Kxg8 (1..Rxg8.2Nf7#) 2.Ne7+ Kh8 3.Nf7+ Rxf7 4.Rc8+ Rf8 5.Rf8#
problem6. 1.Rxa6+ bxa6(1...Kxa6 2.Qa5#) 2.Bd8+ Kb7 3. Qd7+ Kb8 4. Qc7+ Ka8 5.Qc8+ Ka7 6.Bb6+ Kxb6 7.Qb8#
problem 7. 1.Qe7+ Kh6(1...Kh8 2.Qe5+ Kg8 3.Qxb8+ Kh6 4.Qf8#) 2.Qh4+ Kg7 3.Qd4+ Kh6 (3...Kg8 4. Qd5 Kg7 5.Qe5+ Kg8 6.Qxc8+ Kg7 7.Qf8#)4.Qf4+ Kg7 5.Qe5+ Kh6 6.Rh5 gxh5 7.Qf6